Welcome to Dalton Parish Council
About The Parish Council
Dalton Parish Council serves the civil Parish of Dalton, which includes the areas of Sunnyside, Flanderwell and Woodlaithes. Please see the boundary map (attachment) at the bottom of this page which identifies the Parish boundary. The Council has sixteen members, elected by residents, and represents the first tier of local government in Rotherham.
The meetings of the full council are held on the third Thursday of the month, except in August and December. They commence at 6:30pm and are held at Dalton Parish Hall, Doncaster Road, Dalton, Rotherham, S65 3ET. The meeting of Parishioners (the Annual Assembly of the Parish Meeting) is held in May each year and commences at 6pm.
Parishioners are encouraged to attend Council Meetings and are permitted limited discussion, sections for discussion are clearly identified on the agendas. Notices of meetings are placed on the Parish Notice Board and this website.
Contact details :
Address : The Clerk, Dalton Parish Hall, Doncaster Road, Dalton, Rotherham, S65 3ET
Phone : 01709853364 / 07887623674
Email : daltonparishcouncil@daltonpc.org.uk
Hall bookings and allotment enquiries : clerk@daltonpc.org.uk
- Dalton Parish Council